Red eye flights are flights that take off late at night and land early in the morning, typically between 9 PM and 5 AM. If you’ve ever found yourself scrambling to make a connecting flight, or just can’t bear the thought of waking up at 3 AM for your flight, you may have considered taking a red eye flight.


While often cheaper and more convenient, red eye flights can also be incredibly tiring and disorienting. But fear not! With a little preparation and some strategic planning, you can not only survive your red eye flight, but thrive.


Let’s dive in.


Why Red Eye Flights?

What Are Red-Eye Flights - Aircraft Nerds

Red eye flights are often more affordable than daytime flights, and can be more convenient depending on the traveler’s schedule. If you’re traveling for business, a red eye flight can allow you to make the most of your time by arriving early in the morning and getting straight to work. Even, if you’re traveling for pleasure, a red eye flight can give you a full day on both ends of your trip, maximizing your time to explore.


How to Book a Red Eye Flight


When booking a red eye flight, it’s important to be strategic about your travel times and routes. If your flight is too late, you may have trouble falling asleep on the plane or only get a couple of hours of sleep before landing. On the other hand, if you arrive too early, you may find yourself with hours to kill before your hotel check-in time. It’s also important to consider the duration of your layover if you have one. A tight connection may be harder to make if your flight gets delayed or diverted, and an extended connection may mean a long wait in a noisy airport.

How To Survive A Red Eye Flight – The Travel Bite

Preparing for Your Red Eye Flight


A little bit of preparation can go a long way in making your red eye flight more comfortable. Follow these tips to set yourself up for success.


  1. Packing Tips for a Red Eye Flight Pack your carry-on with essentials for your red eye flight. This can include noise-cancelling headphones, a travel pillow, eye mask, blanket, water bottle, snacks, entertainment, and any medication you need.


  1. Dress Appropriately for Comfort and Sleep Choose comfortable layers that are easy to sleep in but can be easily adjusted if you become too hot or cold. Comfortable shoes that can slip on and off are also a good choice for the airport.


  1. Set Your Watch to Your Destination’s Time This can help you adjust your sleep schedule and make sure you don’t accidentally oversleep during the flight.


  1. Consider a Pre-Flight Nap If you have the time, try to take a short nap before your flight to help make up for any lost sleep.

Red-Eye Flights: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Tips to Cope with Them

At the Airport


  1. Arrive Early Give yourself plenty of time to get through security and find your gate. This will help reduce anxiety and stress, and ensure you’re not rushing to board.


  1. Avoid Heavy Meals and Alcohol Both of these can disrupt your sleep and lead to indigestion, so it’s best to avoid them before the flight.


  1. Use an Eye Mask and Earplugs These can help block out light and noise, making it easier to fall and stay asleep.


On the Red Eye Flight


  1. Choosing the right seat can make all the difference in getting a good night’s sleep. If you’re traveling alone, consider an aisle seat so you can stretch your legs and use the restroom without disturbing others. If you’re traveling with a partner, try to get a row with empty seats to spread out.


  1. Bring a Travel Pillow and Blanket A travel pillow and blanket can help you create a comfortable sleeping environment, even in a cramped airplane cabin.


  1. Use Noise-Cancelling Headphones These can help you block out any noise from the plane or other passengers, helping you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.


  1. Avoid Screens Before Bed

The blue light from screens can disrupt your sleep cycle, making it harder to fall asleep. Instead, opt for a book or audiobook to wind down.


Arrival and Dealing with Jet Lag


  1. Stick to Your Normal Sleep Schedule Try to stick to your normal sleeping routine as much as possible, even if that means going to bed early or waking up later than usual.


  1. Get Some Sun and Fresh Air Exposure to natural sunlight can help reset your circadian rhythm and decrease feelings of jet lag. Getting fresh air and exercise can also help you feel more alert and awake.


  1. Stay Hydrated Drink plenty of water throughout your trip to avoid dehydration, which can make jet lag symptoms worse.


  1. Don’t Over-Do It on Your First Day Take it easy on your first day to give your body time to adjust. Don’t over-schedule activities and allow yourself to rest if needed.

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Red eye flights can be a great way to save time and money, but they can also be tiring and disorienting. By following these tips, you can not only survive your red eye flight, but thrive. Remember to pack your carry-on with all the essentials, dress appropriately for comfort and sleep, and consider taking a short nap before your flight.


At the airport, arrive early, avoid heavy meals and alcohol, and use an eye mask and earplugs. On the flight itself, choose the right seat, bring a travel pillow and blanket, use noise-cancelling headphones, and avoid screens before bed.


Finally, upon arrival, take steps to deal with jet lag, including sticking to your normal sleep schedule, getting some sun and fresh air, staying hydrated, and not over-doing it on your first day.




Can I take my own food and drinks on a red eye flight? Yes, most airlines allow passengers to bring their own food and drinks as long as they comply with TSA guidelines.


What is the best seat for a red eye flight? The best seat for a red eye flight largely depends on your personal preference. If you prefer to stretch your legs, an aisle seat is a good option. If you like to sleep without being disturbed, a window seat might be a better choice.


How do I deal with jet lag? To deal with jet lag, try to stick to your normal sleep schedule, get some natural sunlight, stay hydrated, and take it easy on your first day.


How do I get the best deal on a red eye flight? To get the best deal on a red eye flight, be flexible with your travel dates and routes, book in advance, and consider using a travel reward program.


Can I recline my seat on a red eye flight? Yes, passengers are generally allowed to recline their seats on a red eye flight. However, it’s important to be considerate of the passengers behind you and avoid reclining during meals or when it might disturb others.

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